Newsletter: College Donor Quarterly
FAR’s quarterly newsletter reports on higher education news, philanthropy trends, and important tools for the active college donor and wealth management professional. If you would like to receive new editions of the College Donor Quarterly, please complete this short form.

Gift Establishes New Chair of Free Enterprise at University of Vermont; Measuring Philanthropic Knowledge; Oasis Profile: Utah Valley University, Center for Constitutional Studies; Donor Tip: Secure a University Match

Is Just Giving Achievable? A Review of Rob Reich's New Philanthropy Expose; FAR Requests Proposals for Inaugural Special Purpose Funds Grants; Donor Tips: Find a Faculty Guarantor.

The Power of Targeted Giving; ACTA and FAR Convene Faculty Leaders; Maximize Your Gift’s Impact through Special Purpose Funds; Donor Tips: Get it in Writing.

FAR-Advised Gifts in Action; Faculty Leaders Discuss Next Generation of Liberal Arts Centers; FAR Combines Philanthropy & Education at ATHENA; Donor Tips: Have Your Say.